Thursday, September 09, 2004

Important Questions By Max Newman

why am I my father?
Why can't i sleep?
Why don't I like my body?
Why am I not in love?
why am I still a virgin?
Why can't I be happy?
Why can't I relax my jaw?
Why do I feel so lonely?
Why do i play songs over and over?
Why do I want to be famous?
Why can't I figure out who I am?
Why does my neck hurt?
Why don't I have any confidence?
Why don't I have summer plans?
Why do I think so much?
Why am I obsessed with tall buildings?
Wh did I choose boston?
Why am I unhappy?
Why can't I get a car?
Why do i always mess up auditions?
why does nobody treat me right?
Why am i afraid of certain people?
Why cant I go to Japan?
Why not?
why didn't things go well with ani?
why does nobody keep gifs I give?
why don't I care about school?
Why am I learning disabled?
why is Heart so good?
why can't I do everything I want to?
why does everyone else get to decide?
why han't anyone emailed me?
why can't I sleep?
Why do I always love the wrong people?
Why do i appologize so much?
Why didn't pamela teach me to spell?
why do i keep forgetting things?
Why do I never feel original?
why cant my dream girl find me?
why am I afraid?
Why cant I stay within the lines?
why can't I ride a bike everywhere?
why haven't I shown this to anyone?
Why can't we make art?
Why can't Boston get fresh fruit?
why wont it get warmer?
Why are unicorns as important as they are?

this is crazy such questions
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