Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Unicorn Power to Defeat Bush

I know this is not Music related, but this is an important issue for all publications and artists.
My friend Lisa and I are leaving this Friday to drive to Reno, Nevada (a major swing state) to make sure that the Democrats in that state get out and vote! I am giving up celebration of my favoriate holiday, Halloween, to try and ensure Democracy for the coming year. Please help me!

I just found out yesterday that we have a reservation with the organization planning this action, and I need your support to make this a reality! Donate $5-20 to our unexpected trip, to help pay for food and gas and ensure that Bush is not Re- Elected! Please click on the Unicorn to make a donation and get your name added to the list!
Thank you.

List of Donors
Felisa Ihly
Suzie Selken
Gabriel Gilder
Bruce Horn and Robin Witmore
Ariel Morgenstern
Linda Garfield
Lea Scarpelli
Daniel Silverman
Tom Beckner
Philip Johnston
Jo Plante
Indre Vida Viskontas
Adam Bristol

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